Android 15 Beta 1 feedback survey for Pixel now open

Android 15 Beta 1 input overview for Pixel presently open

As usual, affirming your construct (AP31.240322.018) and gadget (Pixel 6-8 Master + Tablet) is the initial step. Google likewise needs to know your nation and transporter.

You then, at that point, rate fulfillment across 13 elements: Dependability, Execution, Battery duration, Gadget temperature, Camera, Bluetooth, Call quality, Informing, Wi-Fi network, Information availability, Application experience, Verification (face/finger impression), and Charging (wired charging, remote charging).

Next is the criticism question about whether you’d suggest Android 15 Beta 1 in its “present status” to other people and “How fulfilled are you in general with the product experience” from 1-5, as well as how it looks at to the “past expand on your gadget.”

Clients can then indicate their “top issue region” with 15 prospects — a similar rundown as above yet with Sound Insight and Framework UI — and the capacity to leave more insights regarding the issue.

At long last, it closes on Android Beta Program Fulfillment from 1-5, with Google likewise getting some information about program coordinated operations and giving a few open fields.

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