The Tourism Challenge in Africa

Tourism is an important facet of social-economic development in Africa. In a world where tourist arrivals number close to one billion, the region can do a lot better than the fifty million arrivals each year. In a statement delivered by Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete about one year ago, he posited the view that however abundant … Read more

Wanting to Reclaim Your Wife

People don’t really know what to do when it comes to get back with their wife. Thy usually do nothing because they feel like it’s time to move on.The secret is not to let all the negative feelings affect you in the long run. The best way to get back with your wife is to … Read more

Soul Mate Success: 6 Quick Tips

1. Understand Who Men Are If having a man is the plan, then you need to know who it is you’re dealing with. However, many women are going to the WRONG source to find out about men – other women! Start asking questions and having conversations with male co-workers, family members and friends about who … Read more

How to Know If a Guy Likes You – Here’s How to Find Out What He Thinks About You

You could spend a lifetime figuring a guy out and you might still come out to be an amateur when it comes to reading what’s in his mind. If you want to ascertain what this guy is feeling for you, here are ways that you could find out: ဗွီဒီယိုကြည့်ရန် ဒီမှာနိုပ်ပါ He’s nothing but calm … Read more